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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Holy Land

The Holy Land - God chose to reveal Himself through this tiny country thousands of years ago, and it is quite clear that evidence of His existence, revelation through his prophets and even His visit via his beloved Son is still being uncovered. I was on a medical outreach in Israel, and was able to do about three days of touring in Galilee, Caesarea, Bethlehem, and Jericho. One of the first tours we did was to the Decapolis city of Bet She'an. The amphitheater at the Bet She'an National Park was built in the First Century and seats 7,000. It was renovated in the 2nd century and only the first tier of the 3-tier seating remains. Singing Amazing Grace is our physical therapist, Shari Hyde of Alabama. The title is a link to a video of Shari.

We stayed at the Ma’agan Holiday Village on the Sea of Galilee. It has 148 rooms, swimming pools and a variety of water sports and a dining room.

Jordan Valley 15160, Israel

In Jerusalem, we stayed at the Notre Dame, P.O. Box 20531 | Paratroopers Road #3 | Jerusalem 91204 | +972(2)6279111 tel The hotel was closest to the New Gate

In Bethlehem, we stayed at the Bethlehem Hotel
PO Box 1069, Bethlehem, Palestine; email:;; tel: 02-277-0702. Here's the view from the hotel room.

Since we somehow lost our reservation at the Notre Dame, we stayed -
at the Olive Tree Hotel in Jerusalem. This hotel was closest to the Damascus Gate. 23 St. George Street, Jerusalem 97200; Tel: 972-2-5410-410. Email:
I wanted to note where we stayed because they were nice, and I wouldn't mind staying in these hotels again.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Ps. 91:1-2