Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Jesus Came; A Gift from the Heart of God

Sharing the love of God to people who have not heard about Jesus Christ before is nothing short of WONDERFUL because it's like celebrating Christmas each time, and that's like unwrapping the greatest present that has ever been given...and I got to see it unwrapped so many times a day. What a treat to have Christmas earlier than scheduled, AND to celebrate it in a foreign land like Andhra Pradesh, India. Harvesting in God's field is to witness and taste the wonders of His love.

We had a team of eight that went to Andhra Pradesh. We were doing our morning devotions and prepping to do a little training, when two young men wanted prayer, so what to do?, except share the Gospel with them, and then pray for them. One made a profession of faith and other didn't. We didn't get to our first village yet when a teammate shared the Gospel with our driver. There was no question the Holy Spirit was at work and has prepared the hearts to receive the rightful ruler. Many people prayed God's will be done, so the battle for the 300 souls that made professions of faith in Christ was already underway when we showed up. One of those who believed was our driver and he said, "If you risk your lives to come all the way here, then your God must be a great God!" No argument in how great our God is! Our other driver also received Christ as his savior and Lord. We had eight people in a village closest to the lake get baptized. See the faces of people whose lives were touched with the power of God's love. The background song is "Center of the Mark" by 4Him. Glory to God in the Highest!

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Ps. 91:1-2