Perfect Love Casts Out Fear

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Monday, September 3, 2007

Sudan Report

Bait. Every fisherman uses it. It was no different for the fishers of men in Uganda and Sudan. I liked being bait for the sake of the gospel. The picture to the left is my teammate Jim with the evangelists from Sudan and Uganda.

A lot of planning, training, and praying took place prior to the medical and evangelism teams coming to Sudan. The medical and evangelism teams (21 members from the US- TX, NJ, CA, CO), were teamed up with translators and pastors from Uganda and 48 Sudanese believers. The US team was used as "bait" to reel in the people of four Kajo Keji villages. God used people regardless of denomination (some from Pentecostal, Baptist, and Protestant churches), and what was beautiful to see was the love of Christ in Christian brothers from Kenya, Uganda and Sudan working together to share the message of God's love.

I was in the evangelism team. We had two people from the US to a village, four villages in all. I was teamed up with Jim West of San Clemente, CA. He is involved in three parachurch ministries, one of which is the pocket testaments. He had a few boxes of the gospel of John to distribute.

Our village was Pamoju, and we had the medical team visit our village first on Monday. We were greeted immediately by at least 60 kids and patients already in line. By the time the medical team was set up, there were about 300 kids! The children copied our action songs, and they also sang in their language and in English for us. When our translators arrived we did the story of Creation and then shared the gospel using the EvangeCube and a gospel ball - a soccer ball with the same colors used in the wordless book.

Thank you for praying that God would prepare the way for us. Our time in Sudan was filled with wonderful stories from each village of God doing miraculous deeds. There were 150 professions of faith in Pamoju. Please remember Pastor Isaac Asiki, as he moves to Pamoju to pastor the Liberty Baptist Church of Pamoju.

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the Lord, "He is my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust." Ps. 91:1-2